My beautiful smiley friend

Created by Wendy 5 years ago

Anne when I think of you I automatically smile then giggle to myself as I am filled with such funny memories . I will always be most grateful for you  making me believe in myself if I wanted to win a holiday etc you broke it down and showed me how easily it could be achieved and your face would light up when I won these prizes and  you would always say to me i told you . You were the besterest boss EVER . You were the most caring loyal lovliest friend any person would be privileged to have. My bestest funniest times were always spent in hotel rooms. Your area girls would meet the night b4 crown circle with so much alcohol . Liz Radford always bringing the nicest nibbly food and the rest of us bottle after bottle. The time Caroline and myself convinced you all that Caroline could pop grapes from her toot all sat there faces concentrating on how the hell she was going to do it  and the next thing Caroline & myself were  throwing grapes from under her legs. We cried so many tears of laughter we would go home ribs hurting from so much giggling and laughing.  If I ever needed a friend for advice you were there on the end of the phone . I've had a few problems lately and I laid in the bath one Wednesday evening  thinking about you wishing I could hear your voice that you would give me the you can do this chat . On the Thursday evening I had a text saying hello do you remember me I'm Anne's husband Richard apparently he had been thinking about me on the Thursday and needed me to know if I needed to talk he was there because he knew I used to chat to Anne . Now a few of you will say a coincidence but I'm 100% sure it was Anne.  Richard looked for my phone no on Anne's phone . I've only seen Richard a few times in all the time I knew Anne and we never really had a conversation but there he was not really knowing why he was texting me but we know it was Anne showing me and telling me everything I needed to know. Another funny memory was Anne was very naughty with me because she would think of something wicked to do and plant it in my head..go on she would say go on do it I dare you GO ON that in the end I would and 9 times out of 10 get told off Anne crying laughing and looking so innocent that if I said Anne told me to do it nobody would believe me .The time corrine complained to ann saying her room was too small and when we got to her room corrine was on top of the wardrobe again we just stood holding each other up crying laughing . I will find these photos and put them on here . My beautiful friend you filled my heart with so much and you will stay there forever until we meet again . One thing I forgot to say is that we had very special Nick names for each other I cannot say what they are but it started us laughing as soon as we called each other it . I feel  so blessed to have had you in my life xxx