My Anneabella Shannagella forever and always💜

Created by adamsbryony51 6 years ago

I litterelly don’t know where to start, nothing feels real. Everyday I still think you will come home from work beacuse you’ve been working away but sadly not. I wrote a letter to you and I placed a few photos of us together in the envelope, I hope my spelling was okay! 

The 19 and a bit years you were with me they were amazing, we laughed at silly things and I loved coming to see you. You weren’t just my Auntie Anne you were a best friend and also a second mum to me. I loved spending time with you and going out in your car sat in the front seat as I wouldn’t have to argue with Drew for it. We’d have to music playing and it would be cool music not Radio 2 or Classic FM or we’d have the West Life CD on or Take That CD and we’d sing our hearts out! I remember every time you got a new car you’d come over and show me and we’d go out around the block and it would be so lovely! You were such a cool Auntie, all of my friends used to love you too, they still do now! 

One of my crazy memories that I share with you is from a very young age I got dragged shopping with yourself and mum.  When I was little and still in the buggie you’d feed me up so I’d sleep for hours so you could have a good amount of time of shopping with no “grizzling” as you’d say. Even if I started to say “mum, my legs” you’d say “oh stop your grizzling”.  As I grew older you’d make me walk and fill the buggie with shopping normally at Christmas this would happen. One day we were out shopping and it was time for a wee so we probably were in the M & S toilets as you wouldn’t use any old public toilets. I was little so I had to go into the tiny cubical with you always hitting my head on the toilet roll dispenser and begin given your coat and bag to hold and been told not to let it touch the floor, it could have wee on!!! You had your wee and went about your business. Then you began to lay toilet roll all over the toilet seat, of course I questioned you, I was a curious child. You then went on to explain that you should do this when you go to the toilet to avoid germs but when your older with longer legs you can squat like me, I was so confused! So anyway that’s what I did. One day I was at home and mum was in the bathroom with me and I began to lay toilet roll onto the toilet seat as I’d been told to, I never argued with Auntie Anne, never, maybe once but I knew not to do it again!!! Mum then begun to asked what was I doing so I explained to her what I was doing and she said I only have to do it in public but of course Auntie Anne hadn’t told me that.. Whoops a daisy! 

Once we’d been for a wee normally after followed a coffee for 2-3 hours depending how much gassing you and mum had to do. We always go into the healthy coffee shops like Pret A Manger  or M & S. Before I was allowed to do anything out comes the bottle of anti bacterial hand gel, it used to make my hands burn. From a young age I soon learn’t the ritual before eating when in public. I also learnt that it tasted disgusting! When ever we were out, me, you and mum you’d always say to me that I should NEVER get married and if I did you and mum wanted to check he was good enough, you wanted him to have money, a good job and be able to do housework you both had really high expectations and before your wings grew I made a big choice which I’m sure your happy I did. 

Some of my other amazing memories are when we went to Disney Land Paris as a whole family and yourself and Richard took Drew and I down to the bar, you both taught us young! When at Disney you one day came along and took Drew and I’s hand and we were skipping around the paths singing “Happy Happy Happy, Halloween” and laughing loudly with not a care in the world. Then we were all jumping on the roller coasters of course leaving Nanner with the bags sometimes and other times egging her to come on with us! The amazing times we shared! 

I mean when I was 3-4, I was pretty young, Anne and mum gave me champagne... Yes Champagne. I guess champagne was better than neat mayonnaise on a spoon, poor Martin!! 

Sleepovers at Auntie Anne’s and Uncle Richards! Well it should’ve been kick Uncle Richard out of his own bed sleep overs... Yes I was so scared to sleep on the middle floor so I made Uncle Richard give up his own bed so I could sleep upstairs upstairs and yes in the morning he’d bring up a cup of tea usually at about 7:30 ish! One time I remember staying over unplanned and I ended up wearing your knickers and socks, the only thing I didn’t share was your tooth brush but it was okay you found one that you brought home from a hotel, off course unused and still in the sealed sterile packet. We used to laugh lots. One time you told me I sleep talk lots and move around heaps of times but I wasn’t having any of it so one night you said I’m down loading a sleep talking app to record us all night, of course I said yeah okay what ever, anyway the next day we woke up and Uncle Richard brought us up our brew and we were sat in bed and we were listening to the sleep talking app. And well I was speechless, we laughed so so much together. I clear as can be in the night sang the alphabet,  yes the alphabet! Well only up to H because I couldn’t remember  hat came after H. Oh and clear as clear, I farted or passed wind and I said it was Anne as it was loud and proud but it was me, haha. 

There was skiving off school, family photo shoot, being force fed healthy soup in Pret A Manger, bowling, West Life concert, holidays, our girl jolly to Ireland and the memories and good times go on and on! 

It leaves me to say that having you as an Auntie was such a privilege, I completely adore you! You make me so so so proud, your truly amazing! If one day I’m half the person you were then that will be amazing, I think it’s fair to say yourself and mum did a good job, well I think so anyway! It’s such a shame your wings grew far too early, go and fly free and be a beautiful angel! Each and everyday I will miss you forever and always but most of all I adore you more than words can say! Sleep tight Anneabella Shannagella! 

I love you!

Love Bryers/ Brysebubs.. x 
